Home/Accident Reporting
Accident Reporting2022-01-21T10:36:42+00:00

Al injuries and accidents at the University should be reported immediately

Please Contact Us at :

Health and Safety at MUBS

Email : healthandsafety@mubs.ac.ug

Tel : 0414-338120

Who should I call in case of an emergency?2022-01-21T09:46:31+00:00

In case of an emergency, please call :

Security guards –

Health Centre Clinic –

What do I do if a colleague tests positive for Covid 19?2022-01-21T09:34:27+00:00

If one tests positive, you are advised to get treatment, stay home and self isolate.

What hygiene measures are there in buildings at campus ?2022-01-21T09:51:40+00:00

Our buildings and toilets are cleaned daily . We have a cleaning section purposed to handle all cleaning affairs in the Institution

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